Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Technological scrapheap

How far has technology moved on in your lifetime?
In the news recently:

VCR+ codes are now no longer provided as of last week. Don't know if you ever tried using these, but they would allow your VCR to start recording via a broadcast signal, think Sky+ of yesteryear only more fiddly:), probably won't be missed!

Another major milestone is the demise of the floppy disc. "2011 will be the year the floppy disc goes extinct. Sony, which sold 47 million of the 3.5-inch discs a year at its height, is phasing them out in Japan" - According to READ/WRITE WEB. Again few will miss their pasing.

I wonder if we'll feel the same about todays 'Must Have' gadgets?
Personally I love my new iphone, and could not be without Sky+ which blows the VCR+ codes so far out of the water you would need a 3D camcorder to spot it dancing on the waves! We don't have commercial 3D camcorders you say? Yes we do! Panasonic have just launched the 3D Camcorder HDC-SDT750 which when hooked up to a 3D TV will display your home movies in glorious 3 dimensions. If that isn't enough for you, one of the holy grail gadgets nears commercial reality with the order books bursting for the Terrafugia Transition, a Flying Car! All that's left is the Jet Pack! But yes of course you guessed it, they're available too if you have the cash!
So whilst the demise of old favourites makes some lament, the future looks more exciting than ever!

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